The Anchorage Downtown Partnership with generous funding from The Atwood Foundation began preparation for an Anchorage Shakespeare Festival in 2017.
We started out by creating a little Shakespeare BUZZ!
Summer of 2017 found Anchorage the target of “Murther Von Shakespeare and the Shakespeareance!” a group of Shakespearean performers who assaulted the city with Sudden Random Acts of Shakespeare! All over town, in restaurants, malls, events, markets… even bicycle tours, swordfights, monologues and dramatic re-enactments from Shakespeare’s plays were appearing at the most outlandish times in the most outlandish places.
When Summer ended, the Shakespeareance went back underground only to rise like a Phoenix now, with the development and production of the first ever Anchorage Shakespeare Festival!!
The Anchorage Downtown Partnership has joined with The Atwood Foundation, The Anchorage Museum and Midnight Sun Theatre, to bring Anchorage a Summer fest of Shakespearean performance from July 27th – July 29th! And we couldn’t be more pleased!
Multiple performance companies are represented including: Midnight Sun Theatre, TBA Theatre, Cyrano’s Playhouse, Mostly Melanin Arts, The Anchorage Community Theatre and many talented local street performers who are all excited to provide Anchorage and its Visitors a weekend of entertaining Shakespeare events!
We hope you join us for this first ever event, and help us get the ball rolling for an Annual Shakespeare Festival!